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Affilate Programme.

Our affiliate program is run by Clickbank.com - you can open a free publisher account with them HERE and then link to us on your website or via email, by using the link/code below
(Remember to replace AFFILIATEID with your own clickbank username):


Best Practices:
Please always adhere to the FTC guidelines when promoting our products and services.

Please do not state or imply that our products are FREE you can mention bonuses but do not imply that people can download the free bonuses without first purchasing the product.
You are of course free to offer your own free downloads as an ethical bribe before sending traffic to us, but we would rather you not do that.
If you appeal to freebie seekers either by way of misleading copy or keywords those people are very unlikely to make a purchase so your efforts to bring traffic would be wasted!

1. Emails
Firstly, please do not talk about Clickbank in your emails, as they do not appreciate it, and aren't happy if our affiliates imply that they endorse us.

Secondly, please do not send out any spam. (obviously) Instead, mail our offer to your own optin lists, or by using quality solo ads.
Just make sure you do not misrepresent our offer! (for example, do not say something like "I guarantee you will make 8 billion dollars! Click here!". )

But feel free to be creative.

Watch our video it would benefit you to incorporate some of that in your pre-selling email copy.
Don't be lazy. You can take a few minutes to watch it and it will make your earnings exponentially higher when you promote us via email.

I suggest you write exactly what you felt whilst watching the video. The video is compelling, and IT'S REAL.
Email subscribers today get absolutly blitzed with garbage, hyped up, promotional emails.
If you write it from the heart, people will feel it and respond to it. Thats what they do with our sales video.

I find that my most opened emails use subjects that include numbers, and also mention a video.
For example: subj: $75,232.92 from a 1 page website in 27 days {weird video}

I also find that the best click thru rate comes from email that include your affiliate link within the first few sentences (so they don't need to scroll to check it out quickly), and you should always use a redirect that doesn't look like an affiliate link.

Lastly, if you REALLY want to make serious $$$ from your email promo, I highly recommend that you:
a) Do an email series of 3 or more blasts over 3 days. Multiple emails make our offer seem like an "event", similar to a launch sequence, and absolutely kill when done correctly.
b) REVIEW our product. Even a 5-10 minute video review of you going through our site, simply showing your screen and talking about your thoughts will increase conversions in a BIG way.
Not to mention, if you upload it to youtube, you will keep earning commissions from it for life. If you do upload it to youtube, consider using a site like "youtube-views.com" to increase your views extremely cheaply from real users, and you will instantly outrank lots of other videos, and increase your lifetime earnings.

2. Offer Bonuses.
Offer access to a "secret report" or any of your own digital products, in exchange for a visitor buying through your link.
Bonuses increase conversions bigtime. Just have people email you their receipt to an email address you don't monitor, and have it autoreply with their bonus information or download link.

3. PPC Ads.
I always recommend targeting keywords that revolve around a well-known make money guru's name, or an author of a popular book. For example, books like "Think and Grow Rich", and authors like "Napolean Hill" are great keywords.
Also consider product names, such as popular bizopp products (including clickbank products), or their creators. These types of keywords have always performed best for me. Two of my best performing bizopp keywords of all time are "the secret" and "warren buffett".
Do not use negative words such as 'scam' or "don't buy" in any PPC or promotional campaign. While that was fine many years ago, it is no longer acceptable.


You are welcome to link to these images on our site or you can save them and upload to your own server.

If you are just using them within emails I recommend you link to the ones on our site then you know your visitors will be properly "cookied"

Box Shot - 300x335

Copy and paste code for your page - Remember to add your id!

Horizontal Banner 1 - 728x90


Copy and paste code for your page - Remember to add your id!

Horizontal Banner 2 - 728x90

Copy and paste code for your page - Remember to add your id!

Square Banner 500 x 300

Copy and paste code for your page - Remember to add your id!


If you do have a significant sized list or a strategy already in place to drive high traffic volumes we may be interested in a Joint Venture with you, in which case you could add your own bonus offerings right inside our members area and they will only show up to people who were referred by you. Email us for more details.